Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: ak[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 5322271359(O) 5322271608(R)

Thesis Supervised

S.No Research Topic Name of Student Completion/Registration Year
Ph.D. Completed:
1Content Based Approaches for Detection of Review Spam and Spammer Rupesh Kumar Dewang 2017
2Mitigating Stragglers in heterogeneous Hadoop environment Kamlakant L. Bawankule 2022
3Live Migration of Multiple Virtual MachineGarima Singh 2023
4Event Detection from Twitter Streaming Data Jagrati Singh 2022
5Energy Performance Trade-offs through Proactive and Reactive Hotspot Detection Technique, Optimized VM Placement and Restricted VM Consolidation in Cloud Data Center Shubhadra Bose Shaw2018
6Design and Deployment Issues for Recommender SystemsRohit Gupta2021
Ph.D. Ongoing
1Concept Drift Detection and Handling in Data Stream Mining Supriya Agrahari 2018
2Big Data Analysis using Graph DatabaseSakshi Srivastava 2017
3Map Reduce Computation Model for Iterative and Dynamic Programming Problems Praveen Kumar 2013
M.Tech Students
1Two Pass Encoder With SSIM Inspired Qp Adaption in h254Shanu Sirothiya 2019
2Network Traffic Classification Techniques and Comparative Analysis Using Machine Learning Algorithms Ashish Umrey 2019
3Analysis of Article Citation Graph Using Neo4j Jatin Patware 2018
4Security Issues in Live Migration of Virtual Machine Pushpendra Kumar 2018
5Large Scale Graph Clustering Vishal Gupta 2017
6Community Detection in Large Scale Graphs Mayank Singh Rana 2017
7Bit Torrent Host Identification in Private Network Priya Mayank 2017
8Pattern Analysis in Big Data Deepa Rani 2016
9Twitter Stream AnalysisAvneeshwar Singh 2016
10Graph Data Processing using Pregel Raj Kumar Sesma 2015
11Topic Modelling and Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Stream Data Sourabh Digavadekar 2015
12Analysis of Emergency Evacuation of Building Using Pepa Surinder Kaur 2014
133D Image Interaction using Leap Motion Controller Sushma Vishwakarma 2014
14A Semantic Approach for Ranking Web Search Results Awantika Karwasara 2014
15Profit Maximization in Cloud Computing Through Energy Efficient Allocation of Virtual Machine MD. Bicky 2014
16A Hybrid Approach for Advertisement Recommendation SystemAmit singh 2013
17Density-Based Clustering Technique for Mining spatial Databases Joyeeta Neogi 2013
18Computing Online Reputation for Web Learning Resources based on Implicit and Explicit User FeedbackAnil Kumar 2013
19A Recommender System using Collaborative Filtering Approach Anurag Maurya 2013
20An Improved Ant Colony Algorithm for text Document ClusteringMuneeb Hasan Khan 2013
21An Ontology based Semantic SearchDheeraj Chawla 2013
22Learning Resources Recommendation for E-Learning Environment Using the Information in Discussion ForumsPoonam Singh 2012