Prof. Vinay Kumar Srivastava

Prof. Vinay Kumar Srivastava

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: vinay[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 2271456(O) 9140228182(M)

Present Appointments Held

Chairperson, GIS Cell
Coordinator TEQIP III
Member, ICC

Past Appointments Held

Chairman, CPC
Head, Electronics and Communication Engineering Department
Head, Chemical Engineering Department
Faculty-In Charge (Purchase)
Chairman, Senate Under Graduate Program Committee (SUGC)
Chairman, Electric Supply, Works and Maintenance (ESWM)
Deputy- Chairman, CCB (Headquarter)-2004
Office bearer of CCB-2008 at Headquarter
Office bearer, DASA-2018 at Headquarter and Member of Technical Committee.
Coordinator (NIC activities)/Office bearer, CSAB-2020 at Headquarter
Deputy Centre-In-Charge, Reporting Centre MNNIT, CCB-2009, CCB-2010, CCB-2011, CSAB-2012.CSAB-2013.CSAB-2014.CSAB-2018. CSAB-2019.
Convener, DDPC, ECED ( from 24-06-2013 to 30-09-2015)
Officer-in-Charge Advance Electronics Lab
Officer-in-Charge Computer Arch. Lab: 9 Years (from 10-02-2001 to 07-08-2006 and from 16-05-2007 to 14-11-2011)
Deputy-Coordinator, UPMCAT-2002
Deputy-Coordinator, UPMCAT-2003
Tabulator for the Institute
Warden/ Assistant Warden of B. G. Tilak Hostel: 2 Years (From 19-01-2002)
Warden-in-charge P. D. Tandon Hostel: 3 Years (from 23-06-2006)
Convener, DDPC, GIS Cell( From 27-06-2013 to 21-07-2016)
Convener, Purchase Committee, GIS Cell, (from 27-09-2011 to 22-07-2014)