Dr. Suneel Raju Pendem

Dr. Suneel Raju Pendem

Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: suneelraju.pendem[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 0532-2271402(O) 0532-2271402(R) +91-9160760666(M)

Research Publications


Title: Device for Battery Thermal Management for Electric Vehicles. Contributors: Praveen Kumar Bonthagorla, Suresh Mikkili, A.S.S.Veerendra Babu, Suneel Raju Pendem, Swathi Tangi. Design No: 442467-001. Date: 30/12/2024.

Book Chapter:

Shiv Prakash Singhm, Suneel Raju Pendem, Brij Kishor, Dogga Raveendhra, M Venkatesh Naik, "A Review on Hybridization and Energy Management Strategies for Hydrogen Based Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Applications," 1st Edition of Hydrogen Energy Production, Storage and Utilization, Taylor & Francis---Book Available in online.


Suneel Raju Pendem, S. Mikkili, and K. Dharani, “Mitigation of cross-coupling effects in PV string-integrated-converters with SEPIC converters under various partial shading conditions”, IETE Journal of Research- Taylor & Francis, Pages 1-20, Feb. 2022 –Early Access -----(SCI Publication).
Suneel Raju Pendem, S. Mikkili, SS Rangarajan, Sudhakar Avv, R.E. Collins, T. Senjyu, “Optimal hybrid PV array topologies to maximize the power output by reducing the effect of partial shading conditions”, Electronics, Volume 10, no. 23, Pages 1-25, Nov. 2021 -----(SCI Publication).
Suneel Raju Pendem, and S. Mikkili, “Assessment of cross-coupling effects in PV string-integrated-converters with P&O MPPT algorithm under various partial shading patterns”, IEEE CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Nov. 2020. - Early Access- -----(SCI Publication).
K. Dharani, S. Mikkili, Suneel Raju Pendem, and AA Desai, “A critical review on various inverter topologies for different PV system Architectures”, IET Renewable Power Generation, Vol. 14, no. 17, pp. 3418-3438, Dec. 2020 -----(SCI Publication).
Suneel Raju Pendem, S. Mikkili, and P.K. Bonthagorla, ”PV Distributed-MPP Tracking: total-cross-tied configuration of string-integrated-converters to extract the maximum power under various PSCs with P&O MPPT technique”, IEEE Systems Journal, Volume 14, no. 1, pp. 1046-1057, Jun. 2019 -----(SCI Publication).
Suneel Raju Pendem, and S. Mikkili, ”Modeling, simulation and performance analysis of solar PV array configurations (series, series-parallel, bridge-link, and honey-comb) to extract maximum power under partial shading conditions”, International Journal of Green Energy- Taylor & Francis, Volume 15, no. 13, pp. 795-812, Oct. 2018 -----(SCI Publication).
Suneel Raju Pendem, and S. Mikkili, ”Modelling and Performance Assessment of PV array topologies under partial shading conditions to mitigate the mismatching power losses”, Solar Energy- Elsevier, Volume 160, pp. 795-812, Jan. 2018 -----(SCI Publication).
Suneel Raju Pendem, and S. Mikkili, ”Modeling, Simulation and Performance analysis of Solar PV array configurations (Series, Series-Parallel and Honey-Comb) to extract maximum power under Partial shading conditions”, Energy Reports- Elsevier, Volume 4, pp. 274-287, Nov. 2018 -----(SCI Publication).

Conference Proceedings:

Suneel Raju Pendem, V.V. Katru, and S. Mikkili, “Hybrid PV array configurations for mitigating the mismatching power loss and number of peaks in the output characteristics under various PSCs”, in Proc. 45th Annual IEEE Int. Conf. Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2019), Oct. 14th − 17th, pp. 2377- 2382, 2019, Portugal.
Suneel Raju Pendem, and S. Mikkili, “Mitigation of Cross-coupling effects in PV-D-MPPT systems with T- C-T configuration of String-Integrated-Converters using INC Algorithm”, in Proc. 1st IEEE Int. Conf. on Energy, Systems and Information Processing (ICESIP-2019), Jul. 4th − 6th, pp. 1-6, 2018, IIITDM Kancheepuram, India.
Suneel Raju Pendem, V.V. Katru, and S. Mikkili, “Hybrid PV array configurations for reducing the multiple- peak power-points in I-V and P-V characteristics under partial shading conditions”, in Proc. 20th Annual IEEE Region 10 Conf. (TENCON-2018), Oct. 17th − 20th, pp. 598-603, 2018, Kochi, India.
Suneel Raju Pendem, S. Mikkili, and V.V. Katru, “Total-Cross-Tied Configuration of M-I-Cs for enhancing the performance of PV D-MPPT systems under various PSCs using P&O algorithm”, in Proc. 15th IEEE India Council Int. Conf. (INDICON-2018), Dec. 16th − 18th, pp. 1-6, 2018, Coimbatore, India.
Suneel Raju Pendem, S. Mikkili, and P.K. Bonthagorla, “PV Distributed-MPP Tracking: Total-Cross-Tied configuration of M-I-Cs to extract the maximum power under partial shading conditions”, in Proc. 8th biennial IEEE Int. Conf. on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2018), Dec. 18th − 21st, pp. 1-6, 2018, IITMADRAS, India.
Suneel Raju Pendem, and S. Mikkili, “Performance evaluation of series, series-parallel and honey-comb PV array configurations under partial shading conditions”, in Proc. 7th biennial IEEE Int. Conf. on Power Systems (ICPS-2017), Dec. 21st − 23rd, pp. 749-754, 2017, Pune, India.
Shiv Prakash Singh, Suneel Raju Pendem, Dogga Raveendhra, “A Review on DC-DC Converters for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Applications,” 2024 IEEE Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES-2024), June 21-23, Prayagraj, India---(Accepted & Presented).
Abhinav Kumar Singh, Dogga Raveendhra, Suneel Raju Pendem “Improved Filtering with Hybrid Damping Suppression in Grid Connected Solar PV inverter,” 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SeFeT-2024), Hyderabad, India, 2024--- (Accepted & Presented).
Mohammad Asif Ali, Nilesh Prakash Singh, Dogga Raveendhra, Suneel Raju Pendem, BL Narasimha Raju & Phaneendhra Babu B, “Single Stage Isolated Power Conditioning Unit for Plugin Electric Vehicles On-Board Charger”, 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SeFeT-2024), Hyderabad, India, 2024--- (Accepted & Presented).
Bala Krishna Nallamothu, Ravindra Janga, Suneel Raju Pendem, “Design and Analysis of Grid Connected Solar PV System using PVsyst Software,” 2024 IEEE Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES-2024), June 21-23, Prayagraj, India---(Accepted & Presented).
S. Ramakrishna, Bala Krishna Nallamothu, Ravindra Janga, Suneel Raju Pendem, “Design of 400KWp Grid Connected Solar PV System for Bapatla Engineering College”, 2023 Second IEEE International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation, Control, and Automation (ICMICA-2023), May 3-5, NIT Kurukshetra, India---(Accepted & Presented).