Dr. Prashanta Majee

Dr. Prashanta Majee

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: prashanta[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 8927046949(O) 8927046949(M)

Research Publications


P. Majee, C. Nahak, Extended new generalized mixed vector variational-like inequalities in reflexive Banach spaces, OPSEARCH (2016) 53:934–949 (Springer), (Scopus Indexed)
P. Majee, C. Nahak, A hybrid viscosity iterative method with averaged mappings for split equilibrium problems and fixed point problems, Numerical Algorithms, (2017) 74:609–635 (Springer), (SCI Expanded, IF: 1.536)
P. Majee, C. Nahak, A modified iterative method for capturing a common solution of split generalized equilibrium problem and fixed point problem, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, (2018) 112(4):1327–1348, (Springer), (SCI Expanded, IF: 1.076)
P. Majee, C. Nahak, New generalized mixed vector variational-like inequalities with semi--pseudomonotonicity, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research (2018) 13(1): 79–90 (Inder Science), (Accepted) (Scopus Indexed)
P. Majee, C. Nahak, A modified iterative method for split problem of variational inclusions and fixed point problems, Computational and Applied Mathematics (2018) 38(4):4710–4729 (Springer), (SCI Expanded, 0.863)
P. Majee, C. Nahak, A modified iterative method for a finite collection of non-self mappings and a family of variational inequality problems, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics (2018) 15:58 (Springer), (SCI Expanded, IF: 1.000)
P. Majee, C. Nahak, On inertial proximal algorithm for split variational inclusion problems, Optimization (2018) 67(10):1701–1716, (Taylor & Francis), (SCI Expanded, IF: 1.170)
P. Majee, C. Nahak, Inertial algorithms for a system of equilibrium problems and fixed point problems, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo- Series 2 (2019) 68(1):11–27 (Springer), (Scopus Indexed, SSCI)
J. K. Kim, P. Majee, Modified Krasnoselski–Mann iterative method for hierarchical fixed point problem and split mixed equilibrium problem, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Volume 227 (2020), (Springer), (SCI Expanded, IF: 1.136 )
R Sadhu, P. Majee, and C. Nahak, C. Fixed point theorems on generalized α-nonexpansive multivalued mappings. Journal of Analysis (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41478-021-00303-y (Scopus Indexed)
S. Bai, P. Majee, S. Padhye , On Some Novel Methods for Solving the Generalized Fermat-Torricelli Problem in Hilbert Spaces, Results in Mathematics, 79 (1), Article No-5, (2023), (Springer), (SCI Expanded, IF: 2.2 )
P. Majee, S. Bai, S. Padhye, Inertial Mann type algorithms for a finite collectionof equilibrium problems and fixed point problem of demicontractive mappings, Journal of Analysis (2023), https://doi.org/10.1007/s41478-023-00660-w, (Springer), (Scopus, IF: 0.8)
P. Majee, S. Bai, S. Padhye, On some fast iterative methods for split variational inclusion problem and fixed point problem of demicontractive mappings, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Springer, (SCI Expanded, I.F.: 2.6) (Springer), (Accepted, 2024)