Tripti Singh

Tripti Singh

Associate Professor
School of Management Studies
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: tripti[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 09415284540(O) 09415284540(M)

Other Academic Achievements

Chair in Conferences:

3rd International Conference on Advances in Management and Technological Innovations (Impacting Industries) March 19-21,2021 under the ageis of MNNIT Allahabad,IEEE UP Section, III Cell MNNIT, Budet of 2,5 lakhs, Total 6 Tracks, Total participants: around 120 from India and abroad
Chairperson 3rd International Conference on Advances in Management and Technological Innovations (Impacting Industries) March 19-21,2021 under the aegis of MNNIT Allahabad, IEEE UP Section, III Cell MNNIT, Budget of 2,5 lakhs, Total 6 Tracks, Total participants: around 120 from India and abroad

Conferences Attended for Presenting Paper:

1. International Conference on Envisioning Business 2030’, Track Human Resource Management organised by Jaipuria Institute of Management Indore, in , ‘3rd Jaipuria , Online mode
2. IIM Kozikot Doctoral Conference and presented paper on Value Chain Creation,Online mode
3. ICMI -17 UPES Dehradun, ‘ Semiconductor Manufacturing in India: A policy review, 9-10 feburary,2017
4. International Conference on Advances in Management and Technology: Mapping Strengths with opportunities, organized by SMS,MNNIT, 29th-31st January,2015 and presented a paper ‘A Conceptual Framework for Teacher’s Talent Retention in Management Education Entities in India’.
5. The Third PAN-IIM World Management Conference on theme India: The Next Decade, Dec 16-18, 2015, IIM Indore and presented a paper on ,‘Identifying Challenges and Opportunities among Women Self Help Groups: A Case Study Approach.
6. Attended and presented a paper titled, ‘Antecedents and Consequence of Union participation: A Review ’: International Conference on International Conference on Management and Humanities, UAE Dubai, organised by International Economics Development and Research Centre, from 4th April to 5th April, 2014,Session Management and Humanities, IEDRC,2014
7. Attended Conference on Economic Crisis Management: Survival and Growth, organized by SMS, MNNIT, 12th-13th March, 2010 and presented a paper on , ‘Micro Insurance as Risk Management Option in India’
8. Attended a National Seminar, organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, MNNIT Allahabad, Feb 12-13, 2010 and presented a paper on ‘Managing Inclusive Growth in India: A Re-Look into the Socio-Economic Perspectives:
9. Attended and presented a paper titled, ‘A theoretical Framework for soft Dimension of Total Quality Management’: International Conference on E Business, Management and Economics, ICEME, Hong Kong, China, December 2010.
10. Attended presented a paper titled , ‘Relationship Marketing across Value Delivery Network’ and Chaired a Session in a Global Conference on Business and Economics, University of Florence, Firenze, Italy, October, 2008.
11. International Congress on Pervasive Computing and Management, Dec 12-14, 2008, New Delhi and presented paper on, ‘Is your supply chain functioning- A General Framework’:
12. Attended ‘11th International Conference on Productivity and Quality Research 2005” Organized by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in association with International Society for Productivity and Quality Research, Miami, U.S.A., December 12-15, 2005 and presented paper on , ‘Human Resource practices in SSI: with special reference to Allahabad division,
13. Attended International Conference held at SMS, MNNIT, Allahabad, on 5th & 6th January 2002 on, ‘Integrating World Markets Living Excellence Through Technology & Beyond….’ And presented paper on ‘Service Marketing in the New Millennium’ in which was published in the book released on the occasion pg. no. 2.74-2.78.

Award and Honors:

1. Kamla Nehru Best Paper award (January 2012), Awarded by Indian Society for Training and Development Geetika, Tripti Singh & Vibhava Srivastava, HR Practices, Quality of Work Life and Organizational Efficiency: With Special Reference to IT-Enabled Service Sector in India, Indian Journal of Training and Development, vol 40 (3), pg`1-10, 2010
2. Best Paper Award in the International Conference on Management and Humanities, UAE Dubai, organised by International Economics Development and Research Centre, from 4th April to 5th April, 2014, Session Management and Humanities, IEDRC,2014, for the paper Singh, T. and Chawla, G. (2014). Antecedents and Consequences of Union Participation: A Review.
3. Sant Swami Das Award, for PhD. Research work, awarded by Dayal Bagh Educational Institute (DEI) Agra, in 3rd Doctoral Conference organized by HIMCS and DEI on the theme “Current Trends in Management and Information Technology” during 18-19th, June 2012.
4. Best Paper Award, Jaipuria Institute of Management Indore, in , ‘3rd Jaipuria International Conference on Envisioning Business 2020’, Track Human Resource Management for the Paper Titled, ‘A Conceptual Clarity on Green HRM and exploring the Antecedents and Consequences’.
5. Third Best Paper Award, School of Management Studies Motilal Nehru National Institute of technology Allahabad, IPR Cell MNNIT, III Cell MNNIT, and IEEE (UP Chapter), March 19th – 21st, 2021, Track Human Resource Management for the Paper Titled, ‘Transformational Leadership for Job Satisfaction: Mediating role of Employee Engagement’.

Conferences/ Workshops/Symposium/ Short-term Courses Organized:

Coordinator , FDP AICTE ATAL sponsored on Emotional Intelligence, jan 18th to 22nd Jan 2021, total participants 121, Budget app 92,000/- Online Mode
. Chairman, Short Term Training Program on, Research Tools and Techniques in Social Sciences and Management, August 08-12 , 2020 Organized by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
. Chairman, Short Term Training Program on, Titled, Data Analytics and its Applications in Management (STTP-DAAM),4/02/20 to 8/2/20, Organized by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
Coordinator, Short Term Training Program on “Publishing Research In High Value Journals”- Dated 30th July 2019- 3rd August 2019. Organized by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad.
Coordinator, Short Term Training Program on “Publishing Research In High Value Journals”- Dated 16th July- 21st July 2018. Organized by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad.
Coordinator, “Interactive Workshop on Personality Development and People’s Skill”- Dated 3rd-7th April, 2018. Organized by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad.
Coordinator, Short Term Training Program on “Publishing Research In High Quality International Journals”- Dated 24th-28th November, 2017. Organized by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
Co-Coordinator Faculty Development program GST and Students Employability, in association with Institute of Chartered Accountants, 7 March 2017
Coordinator Self-Financed Faculty Development Program on Qualitative Research Methods October 18th -24th , 2016
Co –Convener in Symposium on ‘Strategic Imperatives for Business sustainability’, January 21, 2016 a School of Management Studies
Coordinator : 7 day Short Term Training Program on, ‘Advanced Research Methods’, July 14th to 21st July, 2014 on self-Financing Basis. The basic objective of the program was to train faculty, students and Industry participants on advanced quantitative and qualitative research methods using SPSS as important statistical tools for analysis. Experts were drawn from IIT, NITs and SPSS as collaborating Institution. It was well received by participants from all over the country with around 65 participants.
Coordinator: 5 day Short Term Training Program on, ‘Self Defence for Women’, October, 2014; Under the aegis of Women Grievance Cell MNNIT, Funded by TEQIP MNNIT, in which around 150 students, and staff of MNNIT participated.
Coordinator: 2 day Workshop on, ‘Interactive Workshop on Communication and People Skills’, 22-23rd August, 2014 for Graduate and Post Graduate students.
Coordinator: 5 days Short Term Training Program on, ‘Research Methodology’, April 29th – May 3rd 2013 on self-Financing Basis. The basic objective of the program was to train faculty, students and Industry participants on basics of research using SPSS as important statistical tools for analysis. Experts were drawn from IIT, NITs and SPSS as collaborating Institution. It was well received by participants from all over the country with around 32 participants.
Coordinator: One day Workshop on, ‘Change Management and Transformation’, April 18th, 2012, in which Hon’ble Justice Shri V N Khare, Former Chief Justice of India (former), was the Chief Guest. Eminent experts from Industry and premier Institute, IIM, Delhi School of Economics and FMS, BHU were invited and 8 parallel sessions were held in which various students and faculty were invited for presentation and expert lectures.
Co-Convener, Workshop on “Business Etiquettes and Creative Decision Making’, held on 16 – 17 March, 2011, 18. Co-Convener, Participated and Presented a Paper titled, ‘Micro Insurance as an Investment Option’, Conference on Economic Crises Management; Survival & Growth’, organised by SMS, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, March 12-13, 2010
Coordinator, SPARC India workshop on Social Innovation for Sustainability. Under the aegis of School of Management Studies and Incubation hub, MNNIT Allahabad. 19-31 st March 2024.Hybrid Mode. Total no of participants were 118. Budget Rs. 90,000/
Coordinator, FDP AICTE ATAL sponsored on Emotional Intelligence, jan 18 th to 22 nd Jan 2021, total participants 121, Budget app 92,000/- Online Mode

Projects Completed:

COMPLETED and SUBMITTED Major Research Project sponsored by UGC, New Delhi on Quality of Work Life ; IT enabled Services Perspectives in India, granted for a period of 3 years, to be completed in March, 2012.Amount sanctioned; 2,60,600/- The broad objective of the project is to determine and assess the QWL factors in ITES firms in India and to gauge the difference in perception of employees and organisations related to it. Sanction letter no:F.No.5-401/2007(HRP) 1/4/2008 to 31/3/2012
A project on HR Competency Mapping amongst Women SHG in UP, funded by ICSSR New Delhi, Rs. 5,00,000/- only. The objectives of the project is to identify HR Competencies/ factors that lead o efficiency of SHG in Uttar Pradesh, for 1 1/2 years 15/5/2013 to 15/11/2014 Letter no02/240/2012/RP
An ICSSR project on, ‘Antecedents and Consequences of Investment Behaviour amongst Urban Poor: A study of Uttar Pradesh’. Letter no 02/202/2014-15 RPR, dated 28/10/2014; for a period of 2 years Amount 8 lakhs PI Dr Tanuj Nandan ; Co-PI Dr Tripti Singh and Dr Shefali Nandan

Expert Lectures:

Lecture delivered on Emotional Intelligence and Personal effectiveness at Regional Trainng Institute Prayagraj , amongst senior employee from Central Governmnet Institute , 18th Feburary 2021
Lecture delivered on Systematic literature review, on Faculty Development Program on Research design and Methodology” from 7 to 11 december ,2020, organized by DHSS MNNIT
Lecture delivered on Challenges of Literature review: A Reviewers perspective, on Faculty Development Program on Research design and Methodology” from 25 to 27 May ,2020.
Editors Meet , and Symposium on, “Snakes and ladders” in research process.; at University of Petroleum, Dehradun, FDP, May, 2019
Lecture Delivered by Dr Tripti Singh in Short Term Training Program on, Data Analytics and its Applications in Management feburary 2020 Organized by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad , Titled, ‘Recent Trends and advances in Management Research’.
Lecture Delivered by Dr Tripti Singh in Short Term Training Program on Publishing Research in High Value Journals, MNNIT Allahabad, July 2020,Organized by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Titled, ‘Challenges in Publishing in social sciences;
Delivered Lecture on Conflict Management and Communication skills development, 30th July 2019 at AG Office Allahabad
Talk on Social Media and Its effect on Organizational Work life at AIR Allahabad 22 September 2018
Delivered lecture on ‘Writing and Publishing Paper’, at University of Petroleum, Dehradun, FDP, May 7th, 2018
Delivered lecture on ‘Case study Research Methodology’, in a UGC Human Resource Development Center, organized by Department of Psychology University of Allahabad, Faculty Refresher course, on Research Methodology, 27 February 2017
Delivered lecture on ‘Qualitative Research Methodology’, sponsored by UGC organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, MNNIT, FDP, on Research Methodology, June, 2017
Public Speaking and Non-Verbal Communication, ISTD Allahabad Chapter at CMP Degree College,21/1/17
Personality Development and Dedication, AG Office Regional Training Center, Allahabad, February 4th, 2016
Quality of work life in Indian Organization, AIR Allahabad, February, 2014
Communication and Responsiveness in Government organization, at CDA Pensions Allahabad, October 2010.
International Marketing; Basic concepts and Practices, Training Program , Training Programme organized by Indian Society of Training and Development, Allahabad Chapter and Ministry of Small & Medium enterprises Allahabad Nodal center July 17th 2009
Personality Development and Communication Skills’, at LD college, Allahabad July 2009
Legal Perspective of Technology management’ at the AICTE Sponsored FDP on Electronic Commerce at School of management Studies, MNNIT, June 23, 2009
Evolution of Quality management system, Organized by Indian Society of Training and Development, Allahabad Chapter and Ministry of Small & Medium enterprises Allahabad Nodal center on, Dec 2nd 2009
‘IT Act 2000; A critical Analysis’, Faculty development program on Sponsored by AICTE, MNNIT, May 2009.
Communication Skills; Role of ICT, at CDA, Pensions, Allahabad August, 2007
Developing Successful Teams, at CDA Pensions, Allahabad, August, 2008
Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Human Resource Development” , CPDA Pension, Regional Training Institute on 29th January 2024.
Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Human Resource Planning and Development”, CPDA Pension, Regional Training Institute on 7th February 2024.
Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Motivation and Personality Types”, CPDA Pension, Regional Training Institute on 19th February 2024.
Expert lecture, ‘Motivation theories and effective performance’, CDA Pensions, RTI Allahabad, July,2023
Expert lecture, ‘Motivation theories and Personality Types’, CDA Pensions, RTI Allahabad, April, 2023.
Expert lecture, ‘Motivation theories and effective performance’, CDA Pensions, RTI Allahabad, 31 st March and 28 th April, 2022
Expert lecture, ‘Motivation theories and Personality Types’, CDA Pensions, RTI Allahabad, 31 st March and 28 th April,2022
Expert lecture, ‘Measurement scales and Analysis’ , ICSSR sponsored FDP on Research Methods, 18 th March 2022, Baba Bhima Rao University Lucknow
Expert lecture, ‘Types of Research’ , ICSSR sponsored FDP on Research Methods, 18 th March 2022, Baba Bhima Rao University Lucknow
Lecture ,’Improving effectiveness at workplace, Sikkim university AICTE sponsored ATAL , 1/9/21
Lecture, ‘Organisational Behaviour– employee engagement’, AICTE ATAL, MONIRBA, University of Allahabad, 4/9/21
Lecture delivered on Emotional Intelligence and Personal effectiveness at Regional Training Institute Prayagraj, amongst senior employee from Central Government Institute , 18 th February, 2021
Lecture delivered on Systematic literature review, on Faculty Development Program on Research design and Methodology” from 7th to 11th December, 2020, organized by DHSS MNNIT

Reviewer for Transactions / Journal / Conferences:

TQM Journal, Emerald Publishing
Journal OF Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Emerald Publishing
Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies (JIACS), Allied Publisher, USA
Benchmarking , Emerald Publishing