Prof. Hamid Reza Karimi
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Title: Consensus Control of Multiagent Systems
Recently, the problem of distributed cooperative control design has received much attention from both theoretical and practical aspects. In this context, multiagent systems has also received increasing attentions due to its advantages and abilities in coordination and enhancement of the system operation tasks including more flexibility, decentralization, stronger robustness. Some practical research impacts could be utilization of multiagent systems in intelligent manufacturing (Industry 4.0), structural control systems, emergency patient transportation, robotics, for instance. The objective of this talk is to present some challenges and recent results on consensus control, as a fundamental control problem of multiagent systems. Specifically, various design of distributed control protocol are presenetd such that a group of autonomous agents reach an agreement in some sense, which can be potentially used in many potential applications, for instance, mobile robots. The talk will be concluded with some concluding remarks on both technical and practical aspects of distributed control systems for consensus problems of multiagent systems.
Short Biography:
Hamid Reza Karimi (M’06–SM’09) received the B.Sc. (First Hons.) degree in power systems
from the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 1998, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D.
(First Hons.) degrees in control systems engineering from the University of Tehran, Tehran,
in 2001 and 2005, respectively. He is currently a professor of Applied Mechanics with the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. His current
research interests include control systems and mechatronics with applications to
automotive control systems, vibration systems and wind energy.
Prof. Karimi is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cyber-Physical Systems, Editor-
in-Chief of the Journal of Machines, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Aerospace
System Science and Engineering, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Designs, Section Editor-
in-Chief of the Journal of Electronics, Section Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Science
Progress, Subject Editor for Journal of The Franklin Institute and a Technical Editor,
Moderator for IEEE TechRxiv or Associate Editor for some international journals, for
instance, the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, the IEEE Transactions on Neural
Networks and Learning Systems, the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular
Papers, the IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, the IEEE Transactions on Systems,
Man and Cybernetics: Systems, Information Sciences, IFAC-Mechatronics, International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.
He is a member of Agder Academy of Science and
Letters and also a member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Systems with
Uncertainty, the Committee on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, the IFAC Technical
Committee on Mechatronic Systems, the Committee on Robust Control, and the
Committee on Automotive Control. Prof. Karimi awarded as the 2016-2019 Web of Science
Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering and received the 2020 IEEE Transactions on
Circuits and Systems Guillemin-Cauer Best Paper Award.