Prof. Bhim Singh
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Title: Solar Water Pumping: An Engineering Innovation for Agriculture
This talk will deal with the various aspect of solar photovoltaic water pumping systems using various brushless electric motor drives. The major focus of the talk is to be on solar photovoltaic (PV) array fed induction motor (IM), brushless DC (BLDC) motor, permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), switched reluctance motor (SRM) and synchronous reluctance motor (SyRM) driven water pumps. The talk includes the various topologies for solar water pumping systems using various brushless motor drives consisting of current trends and challenges in the standalone and grid interfaced solar water pumping systems. The talk will also cover the current trends and challenges in solar water pumping system classification, configurations, state of art, design aspects, control algorithms, implementation, performance, components selection considerations, latest trends, and future developments. A broad classification of PV array fed water pumping systems in two categories namely grid connected, and off grid standalone, is expected to be good guidelines for easy selection of an appropriate configuration for specific conditions. The challenges and latest trends in standalone as well as grid interfaced solar water pumping systems in rural areas are to be discussed for optimum utilization of PV array as well as motor drives for reducing the cost and power quality improvement and losses reduction in the distributions systems.
Short Biography:
Prof. Bhim Singh has received his B.E. (Electrical) from the University of Roorkee, India, in
1977 and his M.Tech. (Power Apparatus & Systems) and Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of
Technology Delhi, India, in 1979 and 1983, respectively. He has been ABB Chair Professor
from September 2007 to September 2012. He has also been CEA Chair Professor from
October 2012 to September 2017. He has been Head of the Department of Electrical
Engineering at IIT Delhi from July 2014 to August 2016.
He is CEA Chair Professor since January 2019. Prof. Singh is also member of Governing
Council of Central Power Research Institute.
Prof. Singh has guided 88 Ph.D. dissertations, and 168 M.E./M.Tech./M.S.(R) theses. He
has filed 59 patents. He has executed more than eighty sponsored and consultancy projects.
He has co-authored a text book on power quality: Power Quality Problems and Mitigation
Techniques published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2015.
Professor Singh has received Khosla National Research Award of IIT Roorkee in the year
2013. He is a recipient of Shri Om Prakash Bhasin Award-2014 in the field of Engineering
including Energy & Aerospace. Professor Singh has received IEEE PES Nari Hingorani
Custom Power Award-2017.
He is recipient IEEE-IAS outstanding educator/mentor award 2020. Prof. Singh is also the
recipient of INAE outstanding teaching award 2020 and Eminent Engineer Award-2020 from
Institution of Engineers (India).