Chief Guest

Prof. Camilla Baratto

Senior Researcher with the National Research Council-National Institute of Optics (CNR-INO), Brescia, Italy & Topical Editor of IEEE Sensor Journal

Camilla Baratto is a Senior Researcher at CNR-INO (National Research Council – National Institute of Optics) since 2012. She graduated in Physics with honours in 1997. In 2002 she received her Ph.D. degree in Material Science. She is responsible of the CNR-INO Unit of Brescia. Research expertise are: conductometric and optically addressable gas sensors; continuous wave photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy; preparation and characterization of gas sensors of nanostructured metal oxides; characterization of metal oxides (1D) nanowires and nanostructures; characterization of 2D materials. During her career Camilla Baratto published 76 articles on International Journals with referee. Her h-index is 31 (Scopus). She is Topical Editor of IEEE Sensor Journal.

Title of the Talk: Recent advances in chemical sensor technology

Abtract of the Talk: Gas sensors are more and more requested nowadays for the several applications like industrial pollution, food safety, human’s health. Research in this field is constantly evolving, based on innovation in the synthesis and deposition of new gas-sensitive nanomaterials. The presentation is focused on advances in metal oxide based gas-sensing devices based on different sensing principles and with improved properties. Different technologies for reduction in power consumption will be addressed, and application fields revised.