Dr. Uvanesh K

Dr. Uvanesh K

Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Mechanics
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: uvaneshk[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 0532-227-1224(O)


Current Courses:
Medical Imaging (AM22336), PG
Tissue Engineering (AM22333), PG
M.Tech Thesis/project Coordinator BME (AM24603)
Past Courses:
Anatomy and Physiology for Biomedical Engineers (AM21330), PG
Biomedical Instrumentation (AM21332), PG
Solid Mechanics Laboratory (AMN13102), UG
Special study (AM23653), PG
Biology for Engineers (AMN13108), UG
Engineering Mechanics Laboratory (AMN12400), UG
Data Science and Machine Learning Lab (AMN13105), UG


B.E - Biomedical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai.
M.Tech - Biomedical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela. Supervisor: Prof. Kunal Pal, Dept of Biotechnology and Medical Engineering, NITRKL
P.hD - Biosensing Devices for Assessing Dynamic Behaviour of Mammalian Cells, Indian Institute of Technology BHU Varanasi. Supervisors: Prof. Neeraj Sharma & Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Mahto, School of Biomedical Engineering, IIT(BHU), Varanasi.

Areas of Research

Bioinstrumentation & Design,
Bioelectronic devices for POC applications,
AI/ML in Biomedical Signal & Image processing,
Semiconducting devices for Theranostic applications
Mammalian cell-based biosensor

Professional Membership

Senior Member, IEEE (93890002)

Research ID's

Google Scholar ID:-Q62lO4oAAAAJ
Scopus Scholar ID:-57204616675
ORCID ID:-0000-0003-3535-2244
Researcher ID:-Q-8627-2016
Vidawan ID:-373852