Dr. Rahul Dev

Dr. Rahul Dev

Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: rahuldsurya[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 0532-227-1526(O) +91-8004757265(R) +91-8004757265(M)


Current Courses:
Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (B.Tech.)
Past Courses:
Solar energy & its applications
Engineering Thermodynamics
Thermal Engineering
Heat & Mass Transfer
Non-Conventional Energy Sources
Thermo-fluid Dynamics
Solar Architecture
Energy Conversion Techniques (NEP)
Thermal Engineering Lab-II
Thermal Engineering Lab-I
Thermal Engineering Lab (M.Tech.)
Steam Power Engineering
Engineering Thermodynamics
Energy Conversion Technologies
Non-conventional Energy Resources (B.Tech.)
Energy Conversion Technologies (B.Tech.)


B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering), 2004, IET Lucknow
M.Tech. (Energy Studies), 2007, IIT Delhi
Ph.D. (Solar Distillation), 2012, IIT Delhi

Areas of Research

Solar Energy Applications like Solar Thermal (Solar Energy Storage, Solar Stills, Flat Plate Collector, Evacuated tubular collector, Swimming Pool Heating, Greenhouse Drying etc.), Daylighting and Photovoltaics, Solar Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Renewable Energy Sources.

Professional Membership

"International Solar Energy Society (ISES)", Membership type: Professional Silver
Life member of "The Institution of Engineers (India)", Membership No.: M-1745853
Life member of "Solar Energy Society of India (SESI)"
Life member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG) (LM-304369)
Life member of Renewable Energy Society of India (RESI)- (RESI/8/2022/305)
Life member of the Indian Society for Heat and Mass Transfer (ISHMT)-(LM-1669)
Life member of "Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)", Membership No.: LM-135886

Research ID's

Scopus Scholar ID:-27967671400
ORCID ID:-https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8759-3579
Google Scholar ID:-https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=-VqB-vAAAAAJ
Vidawan ID:-104606
Researcher ID:-AAD-5495-2021