Manish Gupta

Manish Gupta

Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: mgupta[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 2271528(O) 2271750(R) 9838717234(M)


Current Courses:
Supply Chain Management
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Past Courses:
advanced Industrial Engineering
Operation Research
Industrial Engineering
Concurrent Engineering
Engineering Graphics
Measurement and Metrology
Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
Production and Operations Management


B.Tech. (mechanical engineering) in 2000 BIET Jhansi
M.Tech. (Production Engineering) in 2003 MNNIT Allahabad
Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering) 2012 MNNIT Allahabad

Areas of Research

Operations Management, Automation, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Supply Chain Management, Smart Supply Chain Management, Industrial Engineering, Concurrent Engineering

Professional Membership

Fellow Life Membership of ‘The Institution of Engineers (India)’ (Membership No. #F-1250341).
Senior member of ‘International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT)’ (Membership No. 80345775).
Member of ‘SCMR’ Association of Researchers’ (Membership No. M-I1M2A085).
Member of Rebooting Computing Community, IEEE
Member of Technology and Engineering Management Technical Community, IEEE

Research ID's

Vidawan ID:-104709
Scopus Scholar ID:-57210043351
ORCID ID:-0000-0002-5212-5652
Researcher ID:-AAD-5505-2021
Google Scholar ID:-