Mayank Pandey

Mayank Pandey

Professor & Head
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: mayankpandey[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: +91-532-2271362(O) +91-532-2271755(R) 9935239332(M)


Current Courses:
Wireless and Mobile Networks (BTech)
Programming Tools-II (MTech)
Operating Systems (BTech, Minor)
Past Courses:
Computer Networks (BTech)
Advance Computer Networks (MTech)
Formal Methods (MTech)
Computer Organization (BTech)
Operating Systems (BTech)
Wireless and Mobile Networks (MTech)


B.E. (GB Pant Engineering College, Pauri, Garhwal)
M.Tech (IIT, Kharagpur)
Ph.D. (MNNIT Allahabad)

Areas of Research

Software Defined Networks
Wireless and Mobile Networks
P2P Networks
Fog/Edge Computing
Formal Methods
Internet of Things
Video Analytics for Crowd Management and Control
AI/ML for Geoinformatics

Professional Membership

IEEE (Number: 90335230)
ACM (Number: 9078145)

Research ID's

ORCID ID:-0000-0001-6071-0571
Scopus Scholar ID:-55578807728
Google Scholar ID:-6-HWnsIAAAAJ&hl
Researcher ID:-AAD-8514-2021
Vidawan ID:-104639