Dr. Bireswar Paul

Dr. Bireswar Paul

Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: bipaul[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 0532-227-1501(O) 8052199080(R) +91-6307141650(M)


Current Courses:
Power Plant Engineering (ME-18382)
Thermal Engineering Lab (ME22221)
Colloquium (MEN16104)
Research Methodology and Research Ethics Lab (MEN22701)
Past Courses:
Thermal Engineering (ME-14111)
Internal Combustion Engine (ME-16105)
Heat and Mass Transfer (ME-21121)
Thermal Engineering Lab-III (ME16204)
Steam Power Engineering (ME-15104)
Gas Turbine and Jet Propulsion (ME-21367)
Thermal Engineering Lab-II (ME15204)
Internal Combustion Engine (ME-16105)
Thermo-fluid Dynamics (ME 22378)
Thermal Engineering Lab-I (ME-14203)
Workshop and Manufacturing Process Practical (MEN12602)
Fuel Combustion and Pollution (ME-17327)
Heat and Mass Transfer (MEN-13102)
Advanced Thermodynamics (ME-21121)
Energy Conversion Technologies Lab (MEN-13101)
Heat and Mass Transfer Lab (MEN-13102)


B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), 2006, NIT Agartala, 78%
M.E. (Power Engineering), (University Gold Medallist), 2009, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 86.2% (CGPA 9.28/10)
Ph. D. (Combustion and emission), 2014, Jadavpur University, Kolkata

Areas of Research

Thermal analysis of solar parabolic trough collector.
Biogas combustion characteristics and domestic cook stove performance analysis.
IC engine combustion and pollution.
Combustion and heat transfer analysis of thermal systems using CFD

Professional Membership

Life member of The Institute of Engineers (India) (MIE No.- 1586593)
Life member of Combustion Institute – Indian Section (CI-IS) (LMC-1231)
Life member of Indian Society of Heat and Mass Transfer (ISHMT) (LM-836)
Life member of Biogas Forum- India ( BiGFIN) (LM-0143)
Life member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG) (LM-129696)

Research ID's

Google Scholar ID:-jhdo0a4AAAAJ&hl
Scopus Scholar ID:-56817871000
ORCID ID:-0000-0002-2889-9594
Researcher ID:-ABI-4988-2020
Vidawan ID:-104671